Heather as Your Guide...
Feel at home. Join supportive moms
with shared experiences.

Belong to our Community of Moms
Come learn and grow together.
Enjoy your parental leave and your journey through parenthood, preparing for times ahead.
Have realistic expectations about parenthood,
while gaining & practising simple, tangible, strategies.
Share & hear others' experiences from pregnancy through birth & beyond.
Take in a more fulfilling experience than moms who came before you.
Come into a safe space here to open up and be real.
Use what suits you. Strengthen your own intuition and listen to your own gut.
No shame. No blame. No stigma.
With Sleep and Beyond, it's so much more than slumber!
We are all about being good to yourself and growing your connection with your child.
We cheer you on to practice the next best thing to solid sleep that impacting your child so much.
Emotional growth, mental growth, development & connection with you grows when
you can be good to YOU.
Start off with baby-steps fit just for you. Celebrate your results as you go.
Make space for huge impact over lifespans.
Expecting, adopting, considering OR have several babies? You too, are more than welcome here!